Clock Building, Not Time Telling

Video Transcript

Let me ask you a question. Are you going to be a time-telling entrepreneur or are you going to be a clock-building entrepreneur? The great ones are clock builders. See, the time teller is the one who stands up there like a genius visionary and says, “I have the vision. I have the genius. I am a genius with a thousand helpers.” A lot of entrepreneurs are a genius with a thousand helpers. The only problem with that is what happens if either the genius leaves or the genius ceases to be a genius? Then all you have left is helpers.

The really great entrepreneurs say, “Look, I don't want to be the great time teller who everybody depends upon to tell the time and to set the direction and to be the visionary. No, I want to build a clock that can tell the time even if I'm not here. I want to build a culture. I want to build a culture of “we,” of people who can do amazing things. I want to build a culture that outshines me. I want to be the dumbest person in the room.” If you become a clock builder rather than just a time teller, that company can go beyond you, that company becomes bigger than you, that company can make you better. But if you just remain the time teller and you focus on being the genius rather than building a culture that is the genius, if you focus on being the genius rather than getting the right people, your company will inevitably be stunted.

So, are we clock building or are we merely time telling?


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